Costruzioni Generali Gilardi
Cosa realizziamo
At Costruzioni Generali Gilardi we specialize in building constuction of all types, our team of experts have the expertise and experience to undertake a wide variety of projects.
Costruzioni Generali Gilardi
Global and diversified approach
The main feature of our company is the complete and diversified approach used for each work, thanks to the consulting service that follows each operational phase, including those preceding the actual construction.
The company uses advanced formulas of project financing and management of services, starting with the search for land, through the project budgeting and finishing with the downright construction.

The company’s experience
constantly enriched by the results
achieved in the following sectors:
- RComercial;
- Rhotel and turist accomodation;
- Rhigh-level residential for urban areas;
- Rinnovative technologies for environmental recovery;
- Rthe recovery of urban areas according to new design criteria;
- Rof the building ,renovation;
- Rof restoration and completion;
- Rrenovation of refined buildings in historical centers for high value residential or commercial purposes;
- Rconstruction of stadiums and sports complexes;
- Rconstruction of eco-compatible buildings;
- Rreligious, for the construction of foundations and institutes;
- Rsponsoring of cultural and artistic activities.
Costruzioni Generali Gilardi
Our projects
Fondata con un impegno per l’eccellenza, Costruzioni Generali Gilardiit has consistently delivered successful projects on schedule and on budget. With over 60 years of experience, our team of experienced engineers and project managers has extensive expertise in all areas of construction, from new constructions to renovations, modernizations and restorations.